Sunday, February 7, 2016

Limiting Anne.

Anne Frank thirteen years old went on living three more years of her life living in an attic with her family, another and a 50 year old man. From day to night having restraints if the time, the things they were able to do at a certain time. She had to restrain herself, from being herself due to the fact of if the green police were to find them, her and her family would've been sent to concentration camps, or be punished severely for hiding and not giving when they called. Anne and me would have nothing in common with the adversity she faced, because she had limits and thanks to now having laws that are able to give me my freedom I am able to do things she could not do, and feeling but but glad at the same time I can do those things. I wouldn't have been able to do what she done. So she was courageous and something similar would be that we tried seeing these in positive ways even if they weren't all good at the moment. Anne and me, are two very different people. Thane grew up with two very different lifestyles, both good, and bad.

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