Shyima Hall, also known as Shyima El-Sayed Hassan from the book "Hidden Girl" by herself with Lisa Wysocky, was an eight year old girl from Alexandria, Egypt. Shyima was given into slavery for a debt her sister Zahra had caused, but although Zahra caused it, Shyima was the one to pay. A day came around where Zahra had caused far too much trouble for " The Mom & The Dad ", the owners of the household. Shyima & her mother had made the decision to swing by, around the wrong time. " The Mom " & Shyima's mom had come to an agreement " that the fair thing for everyone was for another girl to work in Zahra's place." , " the pit of my stomach lurched when I realized the girl they were talking about was me", Shyima said to herself. " Why did my mother not say no?" " why did she not fight for me?" , Shyima told herself over, and over again. Later on as she began working in the house hold day & night she'd continue asking herself, "why me". She was only eight years old and she had been given to pay off a family grief her sister had caused, " I was expected to become their domestic slave". Shyima just wasn't able to find the answer, at least for now. It was a hard question, with even an harder answer.
That sounds like a really interesting book I think I'm going to read it:)