Monday, May 2, 2016

Learning to live

In the book " The End or Something Like That" by Ann Dee Ellis, two friends that planned to have forever together, didn't. Kim the friend of the main character Emmy, had passed away, leaving Emmy with many unanswered questions. "Why Kim" "how did she know it was gonna happen". The message I was able to get through this book was that sooner or later you'd have to let go, and learn how to live being happy. Emmy thinking to herself that Kim wouldn't have wanted her down all the time trying to change things from her perspective, but couldn't. I was able to understand that you have to learn to live without some certain people but always know that they are there. That's simple and maybe too easy for an amazing books like this but, it's true. Learning to live on with life might be hard but isn't impossible, you should be happy and always know that they are they with you in your heart.

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