Friday, May 6, 2016

Saying I Wouldn't

In the book "The End Or Something Like That" by Ann Dee Ellis, Emmy recently had lost her friend and also a teacher, although she didn't think Ms. Homeyer was kind. " I wasn't going to go to Ms. Homeyer's funeral." " Why would I go to her funeral?", "but for some reason, I felt like I had to go. Like I was supposed to go". So then Emmy did end up going with her two classmates that were also in Ms. Homeyer's class. Emmy knew it was the right thing to go to her funeral, but she felt like she had done a lot to hurt Emmy, but she wasn't all bad. Although though, she was saying one thing to herself about not going, yet she went. That then just tells me that she isn't a bad person, that she knows what's right from wrong, and if she feels like she has to do something she isn't exactly fully comfortable with, she faces it and sucks it up. As a character in the book she seems to really think one thing to herself but ending up saying another. So showing then, she thinks before she speaks and goes over what she's about to decide on and not make the wrong choice.

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