Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Behind Harry Potter.

The story of Harry Potter comes with I believe the theme of courage. In the book there are parts where Harey Potter, Hermoine Granger, Ron Weasly, all sacrifice their lives and even their education at Hogwarts. From the scene of being in the bathroom all three attempting to escape viscous and terrifying troll. With the attempt of trying to keep Hermoine from getting hurt, Ron casts spells on the troll to take him down, while Harry also begins to take action to not letting the troll hurt his true friends. Taking the risk of trying to di over the truth took a lot of braverymp, courage and really the guts to do what they did. Lord Voldemort was around Hogwarts trying to become in power and Harry was not going to permit that. Harry battled his long life enemy even if he knew his life would be in risk of saving many of those who didn't deserve to be taken. Defeating finally " You- Know- Who" reviled being of no one else could get hurt, Harry was then recognized for his bravery and courage along with his friends Hermoine & Ron. So that is why I came to think that the theme of this book would be that it is courage due to the many scenes that happened with many proving that point.

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