Tuesday, January 5, 2016


The year of 2016 has began and only so little can be properly done with time. Something I'd want to work on his trying to be more organized with things, meaning at school home, anywhere. With that my daily life would become a lot easier since unlike now I wouldn't always have to be asking my mom where things were or create a mess trying to find that one thing. Some ways I plan to get to actually make this happen this year is starting to place things where they belong, get rid of things I no longer need or use, or give it to someone who does. Take a day, clean here and there, and try organizing things to make life ten times easier. I'm looking forward to this since I think with this resolution it will be a lot more easier to complete work on time, and not having to suffer from those struggles.


  1. I have troubles keeping things clean as well but I usually clean everything when I can, I feel so much better after I do.
